Save and publish one click

Save and publish one click

Save and publish one click – what is it for If you are customizing loads of entities forms here is a solution that can speed it up a bit – save and publish one click. When I customize form, the most often repeated operations are: save publish close customization form reload entity record form Solution […]

Field flag getIsDirty() == false, why ?

Field flag getIsDirty() == false, why ?

Recently, I’ve came accross situation, that despite the fact that certain field has been change on CRM form, a javascrift flag getIsDirty() == false. I’ve  noticed that just after changing field value user is clicking ribbon button and that was the reason. Flag getIsDirty() is beeing set when form control loose focus – operating on […]

Get attribute value audit, history

Get attribute value audit, history

What for Sometimes, there is necessity of getting historical values for entity attribute. Of course to do so audit for organization, entity and attribute have to be turned on. Code below allows user, with proper privileges, to read attribute value audit. For sure if you need fancy validation this code is no good for that. […]

How to copy entire entity form ?

How to copy entire entity form ?

If you have several forms for entity, and you need to create new form based on previously created form there are two options: open form customization window and SaveAs simple copy form request can be used instead of inserting fields ony by one using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; var stageAdapter = new CRMServiceAdapter("SERVER_NAME", "Stage"); var organizationService = stageAdapter.Proxy; […]

Javascript SOAP or REST ?

Javascript SOAP or REST ?

  While writing javascript code it is the most fundamental question. Both ways are capable of CRUD operations, so what is the difference? Recently I’ve written some code to retrieve only one flag from opportunity entity at JS. Beside that JS entity had registered plugin at PreRetrieve.  Of course in plugin code I was checking if […]

Schema Name vs Logical Name

Schema Name vs Logical Name

When we are creating an entity field,  the Name we give is its schema name. After creating field the schema name also becomes the logical name. The values are same but with one difference, the casing. Example: DisplayName: NewFieldName Name: new_NewFieldName (schema name) LogicalName: new_newfieldname Where both names are used ? SchemaName: early bounding (ServiceContext), crmsvutil […]