Javascript SOAP or REST ?

Javascript SOAP or REST ?

  While writing javascript code it is the most fundamental question. Both ways are capable of CRUD operations, so what is the difference? Recently I’ve written some code to retrieve only one flag from opportunity entity at JS. Beside that JS entity had registered plugin at PreRetrieve.  Of course in plugin code I was checking if […]

How to use REST endpoint?

How to use REST endpoint?

REST endpoint is one way of retrieving data on client side. REST operations are using datasets, which  are treated as entity item collections. Personally the easiest way of using REST endpoint is to use XrmServiceTooltkit.REST library. Where to find datasets? http://servername:port/OrganizationName/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/ … – <collection href=”new_errorSet“>   <atom:title>new_errorSet</atom:title>   </collection> … Where to find fieldnames used […]

Schema Name vs Logical Name

Schema Name vs Logical Name

When we are creating an entity field,  the Name we give is its schema name. After creating field the schema name also becomes the logical name. The values are same but with one difference, the casing. Example: DisplayName: NewFieldName Name: new_NewFieldName (schema name) LogicalName: new_newfieldname Where both names are used ? SchemaName: early bounding (ServiceContext), crmsvutil […]

How to send email to specific email address instead of CRM User/Enity ?

How to send email to specific email address instead of CRM User/Enity ?

At standard operation email is being sent to EntityReference object corresponding to: User, Contact etc. Entity reference is being converted anyway into ActivityParty object. So, why not to use ActivityParty just from email address collection: private const string HtmlMimeType = @"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"; private const string PlainTextMimeType = @"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; public void CreateEmail(string title, string […]

Get user personal settings: date & time format, date separator, number separator, decimal symbol, currency presision

Get user personal settings: date & time format, date separator, number separator, decimal symbol, currency presision

Info: If you have ever, I assume you must have, been annoyed with JS: reading date/time format reading date/time separator reading currency precision reading decimal symbol reading decimal separator don’t worry. You’re not alone. Recently I’ve came across a problem of different date formats on grid view for users. Base setting has been overridden by […]