NoLock – to be set or not

NoLock – to be set or not

NoLock – what is that? NoLock is a QueryExpression property used to specify how a RetrieveMultiple request will behave. Take a look at MS documentation since I’m not used to rewrite someone else’s posts, CRM upgrade features and MS limited documentation. Long story short: NoLock property sets to TRUE looks at database record lock and waits […]

RollupField is not recalculating

RollupField is not recalculating

RollupField is not recalculating RollupField – yes, nice CRM >= 2015 feature. Theoretically a cure for all previous “manual” calculations. Of course it has some limitations but this post is not about that. MSDN documentation contains these informations anyway. Unfortunatelly I came across a major issue related with rollup field when it’s type is Money. When? […]

Linq LoadProperty method limits records for retrieving relations N:N – 5000

Linq LoadProperty method limits records for retrieving relations N:N – 5000

Linq LoadProperty Issue – Description Recently I had to fix some legacy code (one of the worst code I have ever seen) and improve requests performance. When reviewing the code everything looks fine. There was a OrganizationServiceContext generated by crmsvcutil. Because one of the property was N:N relation a LINQ LoadProperty method was used. Nevertheless business logic […]

ErrorSerializingRegFile – Plugin or Workflow Deployment Error

ErrorSerializingRegFile – Plugin or Workflow Deployment Error

ErrorSerializingRegFile  – when I first met with this one If you have found this post I assume that you have already looked for *.registerfile errors, plugin and workflow mismatches between register file and already registered items, deployment administrator security rights. ErrorSerializingRegFile – what that can mean? Everything during plugin deployment looks right, but is it? So […]

How to copy entire entity form ?

How to copy entire entity form ?

If you have several forms for entity, and you need to create new form based on previously created form there are two options: open form customization window and SaveAs simple copy form request can be used instead of inserting fields ony by one using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; var stageAdapter = new CRMServiceAdapter("SERVER_NAME", "Stage"); var organizationService = stageAdapter.Proxy; […]

Secure and Unsecure Configuration

Secure and Unsecure Configuration

Where it is used? When creating plugin in VisualStudio via DeveloperToolkit there is an option to provide some configuration. Configuration is a string field which can be represented witch simple string, XML, CSV or other schema.   Auto generated constructor is also created where both configurations are represented as plain string, which you can parse […]

Javascript SOAP or REST ?

Javascript SOAP or REST ?

  While writing javascript code it is the most fundamental question. Both ways are capable of CRUD operations, so what is the difference? Recently I’ve written some code to retrieve only one flag from opportunity entity at JS. Beside that JS entity had registered plugin at PreRetrieve.  Of course in plugin code I was checking if […]

How to use REST endpoint?

How to use REST endpoint?

REST endpoint is one way of retrieving data on client side. REST operations are using datasets, which  are treated as entity item collections. Personally the easiest way of using REST endpoint is to use XrmServiceTooltkit.REST library. Where to find datasets? http://servername:port/OrganizationName/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/ … – <collection href=”new_errorSet“>   <atom:title>new_errorSet</atom:title>   </collection> … Where to find fieldnames used […]

Schema Name vs Logical Name

Schema Name vs Logical Name

When we are creating an entity field,  the Name we give is its schema name. After creating field the schema name also becomes the logical name. The values are same but with one difference, the casing. Example: DisplayName: NewFieldName Name: new_NewFieldName (schema name) LogicalName: new_newfieldname Where both names are used ? SchemaName: early bounding (ServiceContext), crmsvutil […]